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In the heat of our standoff, we called other friends in our group who were at a different car rental company and learned they faced the same obstacle. Refusing to pay triple the cost of our rental in insurance alone, we walked to the side of the road feeling defeated. Fortunately, an employee of one of the rental car companies came to our rescue and drove us the three hours to La Paz in his own car.

The area is also filled with spots for freediving and spearfishing. If you have a car, head to Ventana, a small coastal town about 45 minutes’ drive from La Paz. Ventana is known for its windy beaches and optimal kiteboarding conditions. Baja’s onshore adventures aren’t to be missed either.

It’s worth noting that while whale season runs during the winter into early spring, these months aren’t ideal for scuba diving. The visibility is limited, and the water is cold. Prime diving season is in October when the waters are clear and comfortably warm.

Our adventure also included diving with sea lions later that week. After two hours of flying across choppy waves, wrapped in coats and towels to shield us from the winter wind, our boat finally slowed down. As the rays of sun restored warmth to our bodies, a chorus of barking grew louder and louder.

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Todos Santos is best savored with a view. As the sun beat down on my shoulders, I followed the Sugar Port Trail up a meandering path to Punta Lobos. After a couple of miles, I arrived at a flat overlook, with crashing blue waves below.

The sun slowly sank into the ocean, casting tangerine and golden reflections across the water. The moon rose and dusk gave way to a star-speckled sky, while crickets chirped in the distance.

These dreams were quickly dashed upon arrival to the car rental pick up at Cabo Airport, where we were handed a very steep and unexpected fee: an extra $700 in non-refundable car insurance through the car rental company. The company refused to accept insurance from credit cards or other companies and refused to give us the car without us paying the fee.

Baja California (the more northern state) currently has a level 3 rating, warning travelers to “reconsider travel due to crime and kidnapping”. In a seemingly random incident in early May 2024, three tourists were murdered in a carjacking gone wrong on a remote beach near Ensenada.

And when all else failed? We hitchhiked. I wouldn’t always recommend hitchhiking but there were a few elements that made me comfortable doing so in this situation. I was with friends, the region is known for being quite safe, and hitchhiking is common here – we waited at most a minute for a ride to pick us up.

If you’re sticking to the touristed areas or if you’re heading further south, the risk is significantly smaller.

Este CNPJ website deve manter-se informado em qualquer nota fiscal do qualquer empresa, bem tais como na embalagem de qualquer produto industrializado.

ESTES visitantes também igualmente similarmente identicamente conjuntamente podem possibilitar percorrer trilhas pela natureza, cavalgadas e rotas de mountain bike e quadriciclo.

As harsh and serious as these safety concerns are, it’s worth noting that the more serious crimes and homicides in Baja California are often limited to the non-tourist areas of Tijuana.

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